We Thank You!
Your donation
is appreciated!
Financial Donations
We are a private 501(c)3 non-profit organization so all donations are tax deductible. We are able to accept the following financial donations:​​
Donate Online​
Make a One-Time or Recurring Donation via DonorBox (100% safe and secure)​
Donate by Phone​
Call us at 406-889-5457 to donate by credit card over the phone​
Donate by Mail​
Mail your donation by check to : Tobacco Valley Animal Shelter, P.O. Box 1815, Eureka, MT 59917​
Donate Directly from your Bank Account​
Not so sure about online giving and credit cards? No problem. Just contact your bank and ask about setting up a recurring donation directly from your checking account to be sent to the shelter.​
Make A Donation
For All Dog Walkers
It doesn't matter what the weather is like. Winter, spring, summer or fall, all the dogs absolutely LOVE to get outside. So come on out and walk some dogs. They really appreciate it and with each dog walk, you are entitled to one (or several) free kisses! You can't beat that deal!
Volunteers help keep our dream alive! If you would like to help us we would love to hear from you on our Petline at 406-889-5457 or email us at tobaccovalleyanimalshelter@gmail.com
Volunteer to walk dogs​
Help with fundraisers
Help with spay/neuter clinics
Help apply for grants
Not sure how to help? Just ask! We'll find something for you to do!
If are interesting in foster a pet please call us on our Petline at 406-889-5457 or email us at tobaccovalleyanimalshelter@gmail.com
Provide a foster home for animals awaiting adoption​